About the Journal
IJEAS is a full refereed journal and regularly published as two issues (February and August) in a year in English. IJEAS is open to the articles and book reviews about Environment, Architecture, and Societies related to the substance in design, planning, building technology and construction, urban and settlement, history and arts, research, and education.
AIM: The aims of this journal are to disseminate research findings, ideas, and reviews in the subject of Environment, Architecture, and Societies. IJEAS is also aiming to contribute to scientific research, practice, and education by publishing national and international studies.
CONTRIBUTORS: Academicians/practitioners/professionals, researchers, educators, designers, and planners will respect the audience and the contributors to the journal.
CONTENT: IJEAS has three sections. The Research section provides a current or expected as the contemporary subject in the national or international area. The articles that are not related to the research's subject section will be published in the theory section. Peer-review activities in a regular period for Referees to accept submitted articles in both sections before publication. The book review section covers the book critics in the related subjects.
PAPER SUBMISSION: The articles and book reviews should be submitted to the editor. The editorial board will evaluate the articles and book reviews on the suitability for the journal. The editor will disseminate all the submitted articles to the related referees for the determination of the substances. Articles could be included in the publishing plan only when referees accept them. Invited papers may be published in the journal.
International Journal of Environment, Architecture, and Societies (int.j.env.arch.soc. – abbreviated to IJEAS) is indexed and abstracted by Google Scholar, Garuda, and ICI (Index Copernicus International) World of Journals.