Vol. 1 No. 01 (2021): Environment, Architecture and Societies: General Discourses in Academic Studies

DOI : 10.26418/ijeas.2021.1.01
Message from editor,
We are happy to publish our first issue (Volume 1 Issue 1 of 2021) of IJEAS (International Journal of Environment, Architecture, and Societies). The IJEAS covers topics including environment, architecture, and societies related to the substance in design, planning, building technology and construction, urban and settlement, history and arts, research, and education.
The current issue rises a theme: Environment, Architecture and Societies: General Discourses in Academic Studies. The selected titles of this issue are: “Sauraja Pattojo: Private House of Queen of Ke-Datu-An Pattojo XII”, “A Space Syntax Guide to Optimize Shopping Mall: A Systematic Review”, “A Tale of Two “Rumah”: State, Market and Two Austronesian Communities”, “Indonesia’s Border Security and Political Nationalism Means in Dealing with Nationalism Problem at Indonesia-Malaysia Border Area (2009-2014)”, and “Participatory Design for Accessible Evacuation Centre for Flood Victims in Kelantan”. The papers were submitted by author from Indonesia, Malaysia, and Taiwan.
The specific coverage of this issue is environment, architecture, and societies. This publication presents outstanding facts and insights to sustain our community from future challenges in nationalism, conservation, technology, modernization, and disaster. We are trying to raise the awareness of the readers for the upcoming treats in our community, such as nationality problem of the people in the border area, survival of the cultural communities against the encroachment of the national, regional, and global systems, and the importance of recording heritage of Sauraja Pattojo as an act of preservation. Other articles are inviting the readers to the new methods for sustaining our community by using technology to optimize the sales of a shopping mall for improving the sales and to assess the infrastructure of a city for evaluating the vulnerability state toward flood hazard.
It is expected that the current and first publication can enrich the readers understanding on the related topics. We are still working our best to ensure the sustainability of the topics to be always up to date to address to the recent phenomena.
Enjoy reading!
Zairin Zain
Editor in Chief
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