Vol. 3 No. 01 (2023): Strengthening the Resilience of Heritage to The Nature of The Environment, Architecture, and Societies

DOI : 10.26418/ijeas.2023.3.01
Message from Editor
The fifth edition of IJEAS (International Journal of Environment, Architecture, and Societies) is now available for its fifth edition: Volume 3 Issue 1 of 2023. The topics covered in this journal are the environment, architecture, and societies related to the substance in design, planning, building technology and construction, urban and settlement, history and arts, research, and education.
The Volume 3 Issue 1 addresses a theme: Strengthening the resilience of heritage to the nature of the environment, architecture, and societies. For this issue, a selection of five titles has been made with careful consideration. They are: The application of Discrete Event Simulation (DES) to enhance wait times and space utilization of a Multi-department Clinic; Linking Flood and Flood Resilience Through Scientometric Review for Future Research; Action on Heritage Conservation of Wooden Structures: Enhancing the Cultural Spaces of Pontianak by Reconstruction of a Traditional Malay House; Evaluating the Impact of Vernacular Façade Design on Indoor Thermal Performance in Malaysia’s Modern Masjids; and Critical Coordination Factors Affecting Design and Build Projects: A Comprehensive Review of the Literature. The papers were submitted by authors from Indonesia, Malaysia, United States of America, and Yemen.
The specific coverage of this issue is environment, architecture, and societies. Answering an increasing demand for outpatient services that support patient experience and quality of care, the first article introduces Discrete Event Simulation (DES) as an effective tool in the architecture planning of a multi-department outpatient clinic. The second article investigates connections among the stakeholders, the main areas of research, and the available direction in the body of knowledge to resolve the challenging and complicated issues of flood resilience architecture. An author from Indonesia addressing the issue of enhancing the cultural spaces of Pontianak by reconstruction of a traditional Malay house. A group of authors from Malaysia posed questions on the extent of flexibility in vernacular architectural concepts, concerning design adaptation on modern masjids for optimal thermal performance to engage in evaluating the impact of vernacular façade design on indoor thermal performance in Malaysia’s modern masjids. The last articles concerns on critical coordination factors affecting design and build projects with establishing a framework of coordination factors affecting DB projects’ performance in Malaysia.
With this current issue, we hope to give readers a deeper knowledge of the subjects covered. We are committed to preserving the long-term viability of these subjects and keeping them current to include the most recent information.
Enjoy reading!
Zairin Zain
Editor in Chief
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