Vol. 3 No. 02 (2023): Heritage Discourses and Multidimensional Exploration of Environment, Architecture, and Society

Message from Editor
We are pleased to present the latest edition of the International Journal of Environment, Architecture, and Societies (IJEAS), Volume 3, Issue 2 for the year 2023. Within the pages of this journal, we explore topics encompassing the fields of environment, architecture, and societies. Our focus spans from design, planning, and building technology to urban and settlement studies, history, arts, research, and education.
The Volume 3 Issue 2 addresses a theme: Heritage Discourses and Multidimensional Exploration of Environment, Architecture, and Society. For this issue, a selection of five titles has been made with careful consideration. They are: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Photogrammetry for Heritage Building Documentation: Case Study Sasaksaat Train Station, Bandung, Indonesi; Exploring of Minangkabau Local Knowledge Management in Agam District, Indonesia: A Preliminary Study; Power Over Architecture: A Case Study on Malay Sultanate Palaces in West Kalimantan During Colonial Period (1800-1949 AD); Pioneering Architect in the Construction of Post-Colonial Irak: Rifat Chadirji and His Monument Designs; The Evaluation of the Indonesian Government Authority in Managing the Border Area of West Kalimantan-Sarawak. The papers were submitted by authors from Indonesia, Austria, Malaysia, and Turkey.
The first article introduces a case study employing unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) photogrammetry to document heritage buildings, specifically the Sasaksaat Train Station in Bandung, Indonesia. This research highlights the importance of preserving historical sites and demonstrates how the UAV technology enhances the archival process. Another article delves into local knowledge management within the Minangkabau community in Agam District, Indonesia, shedding light on customs, culture, and traditions that construct the community’s identity. A subsequent study comprehensively explores the influence of power on the architecture of Malay Sultanate Palaces during West Kalimantan’s colonial period, revealing the intricate relationship between power dynamics and architectural design through historical analysis. The subsequent paper examines the role of architecture in constructing a postcolonial Iraqi national identity, particularly the impact of architect Rifat Chadirji’s work on representing the nation’s history and ideals through architectural structures. Lastly, an abstract evaluates the Indonesian government’s management of the border area of West Kalimantan-Sarawak, emphasizing the challenges presented by these regions and advocating for collaborative efforts to enhance the welfare of residents.
These abstracts collectively demonstrate the richness and depth of research within the fields of the environment, architecture, and societies. We commend the authors for their diligent efforts in contributing to the scholarly discourse and fostering a deeper understanding of the intricate relationships between these domains. We hope this collection of articles inspires more isolated exploration, discussion, and advancement in our shared pursuit of knowledge.
Enjoy reading!
Zairin Zain
Editor in Chief
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